The Foundation receives and oversees funding which support a plethora of programs and services for the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) and on a selected basis, for school districts and other education organizations within Los Angeles County.
Homegirl Cafe
Homegirl Cafe, a division of Homeboy Industries, is a social enterprise assisting at-risk and formerly gang-involved young women and men to become contributing members of our community through training in restaurant service and culinary arts. Homegirl Cafe offers a one year training program within the food and service industry, empowering young people to redirect their lives and providing them with hope for their futures.
Training Opportunities
As a working restaurant open to the City of Los Angeles, Homegirl Cafe serves as a training facility for our women and men to gain technical skills and develop a sense of self-empowerment through honest and meaningful employment.
A crucial component of the training program is an internship at a partnering restaurant, such as: Border Grill, BLD, Black Cat Bakery, and Greenleaf Gourmet ChopShop in Century City.
- Training areas of kitchen
- Front of house hospitality
- Barista
- Gardening
- Maintenance
Homegirl Cafe, a division of Homeboy Industries, is a social enterprise assisting at-risk and formerly gang-involved young women and men to become contributing members of our community through training in restaurant service and culinary arts. Homegirl Cafe offers a one year training program within the food and service industry, empowering young people to redirect their lives and providing them with hope for their futures.
Homegirl Cafe and Homeboy Industries invite you to contribute tax-deductible financial support to help underwrite the many programs, services and job-training businesses.
For partnering opportunities please contact:
[email protected]
Contact us today
for more information about how
we can support your cause.