Recently, EC Hispanic Media commissioned Applied Marketing Strategies to conduct a survey for Facebook users. The survey, provided in Spanish, was offered to more than 2 million Facebook users and provides key insights for companies looking to advertise to Hispanics regarding their behaviors on Facebook, the motivating factors that help encourage greater page likes, and monthly spending behaviors.
Most noticeably, the survey confirmed previously noted trends of the increasing use of cell phones by Latinos in the United States as 91.9% of the responders noted having varying total amounts spent monthly for their cell phone services. This number is greater than the 86% reported in the Pew Hispanic findings in their March 7, 2013 findings; however can either be explained by two potential factors.
- Hispanics using Facebook are already acclimated to using more recent technology.
- Could also potentially show further increased cell phone adoption within the US Hispanic community
The latter could also act also reflect current growth as the same Pew Hispanic report showed an overall increase of 10% more Latinos using cell phones in the United States as compared to three years prior.
What may come as the largest surprise to those looking to advertise to Hispanics through social media, however, may be that while the US Hispanic market has further increased their overall use of cell phones within the US market, 70.7% of the Latinos responding the survey say that they use their computers to access the social media site. Again, while this does not necessarily contradict Pew Hispanic findings that 72% of Latinos own a desktop or laptop computer, it does suggest that there is still the potential to work with desktop only Facebook ads.
Understanding this information is potentially great news for companies looking to increase the total ROI on their campaigns advertising to Hispanics on Facebook with simple marketing rationale.
- Both news feed and right rail Facebook ads provide opportunities for companies to link directly to their goal pages, with news feed ads available for both mobile and non-mobile devices
- Newsfeed ads are also controlled strictly by Facebook and often offer less frequency than right rail ads*
- Mobile newsfeed ads generally show higher CTRs than desktop newsfeed ads*
- While Facebook ads have shown incredibly high CTR within the newsfeed ads, in many cases, the actual conversion rate tends to be low.*