Latina Moms and Families

Whether a stay-at-home or working mom, these powerful ladies are the decision-makers in every Hispanic household. Nowadays Latino moms turn to the internet for help when deciding what services and products to purchase as well as worthy information for her household looking to improve their families' health and lifestyle. Always on the go but never too tired to catch up on new information!

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Helps Latina moms looking to ensure better futures for themselves and their children by providing educational content in Spanish that is generally hard to find for Hispanic mothers. The content is updated weekly on the site and is curated around the goal to empower Hispanic mothers on topics that include information regarding financial literacy, insurance, and healthy lifestyle articles.

Planning an important event such as a quinceanera usually falls on the mother within the Hispanic family. The mother, the one who tends to balance all the important details of every family member’s schedule, is the most important decision maker in this celebration.’s content is tailored to market to these Latina mothers.


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