For companies looking to place a classified ad in our free weekly publication, El Clasificado, we make their self-service advertising options as easy as possible. Companies looking to place their ads need to only choose the regions they are looking to advertise in, how long they would like the ad to run for, and provide us with the text. Additional features such as headlines and bold lettering are available to help each ad stand out. Display ads follow a similar process with companies choosing the zone and the duration for the ads run as well. All we need is the artwork in .pdf format and the ad is set to run. Don’t have the artwork? No problem. Let us know what you’re looking for and our production team will create exactly what you’re looking for. Your print ad starts with a Free online classified. After you enter your free ad you can select to purchase the print ad and other web ad enhancements. Try it out for yourself and see how it works: Start with a free classified ad now!
Self-Service Solutions
For companies who have already identified their target demographic within the EC Hispanic Media brands, we offer Self-Service Advertising and Programmatic Buying solutions to help each campaign start with ease, efficiency, and options to further enhance the campaigns reach.
Digital Classifieds
Companies looking for online classified advertising are able to do so through Each individual ad is scheduled to run for 28 days from the day the ad is posted. We also ensure maximum visibility for self-service advertising as each ad can be highlighted as a featured classified which rotates on the home page and selected category pages or as a Premium position ad where it appears at the top of the chosen ad listing page in each determined location. Try it out for yourself and see how it works, Start with a free classified ad now.
Banner Advertising
We provide Banner Advertising self-service opportunities for companies needing programmatic buying opportunities. Companies who have identified their target market need only tell us what areas they are looking to advertise to, provide us with their 300×250, 728×90, or 160×600 banner creative, and tell us how many impressions they are for their rate quote and getting the ads online. For more granular programmatic buying options, advertisers are able to determine the interest-based category they would like their ads to be placed in to reach more buyer-motivated visitors.
Companies with large inventories of individual products that are optimally advertised individually can have access to our API in order to have their ads placed and updated daily. We offer this for property management companies looking to advertise multiple available properties, major corporations with multiple job openings across the United States, and more, making this an optimal solution for companies who need self-service advertising efficiency for posting their products, services, and opportunities.
El Clasificado
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