Flagship brand created to help connect buyers and sellers
Who we serve
ElClasificado.com is a free classified ads website that was originally launched in 1996 to provide services to the Spanish-speaking community in California and who already read the print publication of El Clasificado, which was created in 1988 by Martha de la Torre and Joe Badame.
As the Hispanic population grew in the US and began to adopt quickly the digital technology with the arrival of mobile devices, ElClasificado.com expanded its free advertising services to achieve presence throughout this country, where there are Latino communities.
Digital advertising
Free ad posting on ElClasificado.com
It is just that easy to post an ad on our website. If you need an audience reach boost, we offer deals on upgrades such as premium position placement.
Digital advertising
Custom solutions to enhance resources
We promise to consult with you and tailor a package to fit your business needs. Our expert creative team can produce video promos, text-messaging options, postcards for clients, and more.
Our digital reach continues to grow with advertising opportunities
Online traffic now drives nearly 9 million monthly page views from all Hispanic markets. Luckily for sellers and buyers in today’s market, the website is mobile responsive for easy access on the go.