Affluent US Hispanics

Largely educated and with more disposable income, Affluent US Hispanics generally enjoy living the single life in metropolitan areas. Constantly on the go, they still want to stay ahead of the newest trends, but have less time to spend doing so. Never without a charged cell phone, these twenty- and thirty-something Latinos are constantly ensuring they are connected to their friends and online at all times.


Ensures that Latinos are able to stay updated at all times and at their convenience, providing them the latest information on immigration news through a weekly-updated website plus five printed publication throughout the year. Juntos USA is distributed along with El Clasificado. This brand keeps affluent US Hispanics informed by expert lawyers on immigration law changes, promotes free community events and offers advertisers print and digital advertising in custom content and high-impact campaigns.

El Clasificado

Provides relevant local advertising for Affluent US Hispanics to find deals in the areas where they travel or reside the most. With a weekly circulation of more than 440,000 copies distributed through 274 cities in Southern and Central California as well as Yuma, AZ, El Clasificado hyper-localizes all distribution into 48 zones to ensure each Latino Professional finds local businesses for their wants and needs while provides advertisers with geo-targeted locations to reach the on the go Affluent US Hispanic in more than 200 cities nationwide.


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