Su Socio de Negocios

Equipping hispanic small business owners
to thrive

About our brand

Su Socio de Negocios seeks to empower and educate Latino Entrepreneurs and Hispanic Small Business Owners in order to further increase their overall sales. This is accomplished through weekly e-newsletters, online content, in-person-events and virtual events with keynote speakers offering their expertise, business acumen, and advice to help foster company growth for each attendee.

Learn how we strive to help Hispanic small business owners thrive

su socio de negocios website offers free digital magazines

Digital Magazines

Free Spanish digital magazines covering content for the Hispanic community, classifieds, and other relative topics.

su socio de negocios website offers business guide information

Small Business Resources

Resources concerning finance, technology news, and small business development available online.


The two annual business expos provide guidance for Spanish-speaking underserved entrepreneurs, connecting them with government agencies and corporations offering essential support.

Content includes topics relative to small business owners in maintaining their businesses

Interactive features for users to engage with classified ads, visit website links, and more

Innovative design that continues to adapt

Content includes topics relative to small business owners in maintaining their businesses

Interactive features for users to engage with classified ads, visit website links, and more

Editorials covering current events in business and social news

Classified ad placement for users to interact with instant access

Digital ready product

Fully interactive and responsive digital magazines

All throughout this free digital book can a user click-to-call, click-to-email, or visit a mention website link. If you’re an advertiser looking for immediate response to your ads or content, contact us to reserve a spot.

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